Our First Beacon Survey Winner!
Congratulations to Minhvu V.! Minhvu is the proud winner of one-semester of FREE parking! Minhvu, an off-campus student, attended a High 5 event sponsored by Off-Campus Student Programs and Student Academic Affairs, Retention, and Transitions, that helped promote the Beacon survey. When the Beacon survey launched on Sunday evening, Minhvu promptly took the survey and made himself eligible for this amazing prize.
The Beacon Prize Patrol stopped by Minhvu’s BIOL 305 class this afternoon, thanked him for taking the survey and awarded him with his certificate for free parking, kindly donated by Parking Services. When asked if the Beacon survey was easy to complete, Minhvu agreed, “Yes!” as we reminded his classmates that there are still plenty of chances to win other great prizes.
Don’t forget, the Beacon survey closes Friday, October 3, 2014!
Special thanks goes to: Orientation and Family Programs and Services, Off-Campus Student Programs, Parking Services, Student Academic Affairs, Retention, and Transitions, and students like Minhvu that have completed the Beacon survey!